The Monument Čegar

A cultural monument of exceptional importance was built on the hill Čegar not far from Niš, where the famous Battle of Čegar took place. The occasion for its construction was the fiftieth anniversary of the victory over the Turks on June 1, 1927. The commander of the Serbian insurgents on Čegar, Duke Stevan Sinđelić, in 1809 accomplished a heroic feat. 

When he saw that he could not expel more numerous Turks from the trench, that many Serbs had already perished, and so that he would not fall alive into the hands of the Turks, he stopped the further invasion of the Turks by shooting powder magazine, lost his life and thus ended the battle. After twice as many Turks died as Serbs, Hurshid-pasha built The Skull Tower in the same year.