Homeland museum Knjaževac

The Homeland Museum of Knjaževac was founded with the aim of collecting, preserving, scientifically processing, and presenting the cultural heritage of the literary region. As a unique map of the city, it represents a regional museum research center with a modernized program scheme, which in terms of content and topics takes over local and regional frameworks with an increased educational and promotional role.

The collection of double-knitted socks from Timok from the 18th to the 20th century, which exists as a separate unit in the museum and represents a unique collection of 10 accompanying motifs on cardboard, stands out.

The ethnological department is presented in the part of the exhibition of the museum, as well as in the house (proclaimed cultural monument) of Aleksa Ace Stanojević, with the interior exhibition "Knjaževac beginning and the 16th century".


Homeland museum, Museum House of Aca Stanojevic, Archaeo Park Ravna, archaeological site Timacum Minus


Permanent exhibitions, Guided tours on request